
Cities and Coasts Project
A meeting of minds: Building relationships and sharing ideas will potentially put the coastal city of Mombasa onto a smart and sustainable pathway and strengthen its ability to withstand the impacts of climate change.   Mombasa is Kenya’s second largest city and home to 1.2 million people. Its location on the south coast of Kenya...
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WIOMSA, in collaboration with Universidade Lúrio and Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, is pleased to announce a call for applications for a training titled “Training workshop: “Common sense in urban planning linked with waste management”. The workshop will take a “learning by doing/ solutions in practice” approach, focused on Pemba city,  Mozambique. The training  aims to provide...
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By Eunice Ogada and Clifford Ochiel (COMRED)  Climate change is a major global issue that requires interventions, adaptation, and mitigation actions to limit its adverse effects to secure the future of our planet.  With the emanating negative impacts of climate change, the County government of Mombasa unveiled the Governors’ Young Leaders’ Program (GYLP) hosted by...
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WIOMSA, through its Cities and Coasts (C& C) project is pleased to announce a call for proposals to support the organization of training courses and writing workshops. WIOMSA is implementing the five year C&C Project (2018-2022), that aims to assist the countries of the western Indian Ocean (WIO) to achieve SDG 11 on sustainable cities and...
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Last week an article was published on “COP27 must deliver climate finance where it is needed most” in Mongabay. The article was written by our program manager for the Cities and Coasts Project, Dr. Valentine Ochanda, together with Sally Yozell (Environmental Security program at Stimson Center) and Jack Stuart (Environmental Security program). While it’s critical that adaptation financing...
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WIOMSA and UN Habitat are pleased to invite you to the launch of four cities Blue Economy studies (Mombasa, Dar es Salaam, Port Louis and Kilifi) and a strategic “Roadmap for the Development of the Blue Economy in Coastal Cities. The Blue city case studies outline broadly the current situation concerning the blue economy in...
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WIOMSA in partnership with the Stimson Center has released a new report on “Measuring Multidimensional Climate Risks in East Africa’s Coastal Cities,” with case studies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Mombasa, Kenya. The report was launched at COP 26 in Glasgow Scotland  on the 3rd of November where the  Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability...
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The University of Dar es Salaam, WIOMSA  and the Nairobi Convention- through the WIOSAP project- are pleased to announce a call for authors to write chapters for a new publication on Constructed Wetland Technology as a Nature-based Solution for Sustainable Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Western Indian Ocean Region. The project is motivated by the fact...
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ICLEI Africa would like to announce an online course on adapting to climate change and enhancing resilience.  The stakes could not be higher for climate action in Africa – the impacts of climate change will put almost 50 percent of the continent’s GDP at risk by 2023. The continent is also expected to experience an average...
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Nanotech Futuristic Solutions and the WIOMSA Cities and Coasts project are pleased to announce the call for applications for a workshop on Nanotechnology and Its Applications for Sustainable Cities and Coasts, that will take place in Johannesburg South Africa on 29 November- 4 December 2021. This training workshop will equip professionals and practitioners from various...
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