
Science News
A meeting of minds: Building relationships and sharing ideas will potentially put the coastal city of Mombasa onto a smart and sustainable pathway and strengthen its ability to withstand the impacts of climate change.   Mombasa is Kenya’s second largest city and home to 1.2 million people. Its location on the south coast of Kenya...
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In this week’s edition of WIOMSA ScienceNews, we focus on the Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Index (CORVI) project and the Cities and Coasts collaboration to measure coastal city resilience in Dar es Salaam and Mombasa cities. The collaboration will provide critical data and insights for use by city and national governments as well as...
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The effort to identify numerous communities of plants and animals that occupy the sea floor of the WIO region remains minimal. Nonetheless, there is growing interest amongst researchers in Western India Ocean region to identify and characterize benthic ecosystems. Since 2019, a dedicated team of marine researchers has been studying WIO seabed habitats through the...
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