WIOMSA, through its Cities and Coasts (C& C) project is pleased to announce a call for proposals to support the organization of training courses and writing workshops.
WIOMSA is implementing the five year C&C Project (2018-2022), that aims to assist the countries of the western Indian Ocean (WIO) to achieve SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities amongst other SDGs and comply with the Paris Agreement. The C&C project provides a competitive research grant to support research in the WIO on sustainable coastal cities which also includes a capacity-building component.
The current call offers grants in the following areas:
- Grants to support the organization of regional workshops and training.
This call is seeking a diverse array of proposals for organizing workshops and training. The workshops and training should cover a wide range of timely topics highlighting exciting advances in coastal cities research, management, and policy that can be of interest to a wide audience, from city planners, coastal zone practitioners, researchers, and early-career scientists. The focus should be on how the sustainability of coastal cities can be delivered i.e., to heed the call of Sustainable Development Goal 11 – “making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” by 2030
- Grants to support the publication of books/manuals and writing workshops.
WIOMSA promotes the dissemination of research outcomes from regional research projects. WIOMSA recognizes that scientists in the region have access to vital information for coastal community development. This call will provide limited funds to regional scientists and their partners to help them publish their research findings as books/manuals and distribute them to as many people as possible. The grant can also support the development and dissemination of information packages, knowledge products, and decision-support tools relevant to policy development and implementation at the national or regional levels.
Application deadline and how to submit proposals
Proposals should be submitted by 21st March 2022. The C&C Project Committee will review the submitted proposals within a period of one month and applicants will be informed of the Committee’s decisions immediately thereafter. Applications should be completed and support documents uploaded at Cities_Proposal_Submission_Page. Only those applications submitted via this system will be processed.
Download the full call for proposals to read the eligibility criteria and proposal requirements.
For further information, please contact the Executive Secretary, email: secretary@wiomsa.org.