Deep- Sea and Ocean Science MOOC 2024

The University of Seychelles, is pleased on announce a 6-week online course. If  you  are  interested  in the  Deep-Sea   and  Open  Ocean,   this course   will provide  you  with  a  basic   introduction  to  these unique   ecosystems,  the   environmental   driving  forces    that shape   life  in  the  deep  sea,   how  animals   have  adapted   to survive  in  these   harsh   environments,   the  threats   they  are facing,  how  we  can  mitigate  our impacts,  and  how  to  study these systems using advanced  and affordable technologies. The  course  consists of  self-paced   study  material,  additional reading resources,   online  forum  discussions and  tutorials to test your knowledge along the way.

Register here: Deep-Sea & Ocean Science MOOC Registration (

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