Call for Proposals for SCALABLE Working Group Grants

WIOMSA is pleased to announce the launch of a new competitive grant under the SCALABLE programme to support trans-disciplinary Working Groups (WGs) to deliver solutions to the most critical challenges facing marine and coastal management in the Western Indian Ocean region.


WIOMSA recently launched a new programme  “Sustainable Blue Future in the Western Indian Ocean – Institutional Strengthening through Science, Capacity, and Assimilation for a Sustainable Blue Future – SCALABLE” (2023-2026)” funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. SCALABLE focuses on the theme of “Ocean Science and Policy for Sustainable Development,” which aims to make the best science and policy available in its broadest sense, including social and economic aspects, to assist societies in the WIO in restoring and protecting biodiversity, ensuring food security in the face of climate change, and ultimately leading to a resilient, sustainable, productive and inclusive blue economy. It seeks to strengthen the science-policy interface and increase the impact of the WIOMSA’s Marine Science for Management (MASMA) program. SCALABLE calls for inclusion of diverse perspectives, prioritizing blue economy issues, and co-creating solutions to WIO’s most pressing marine and coastal management issues.

Call for Concept notes

SCALABLE invites proposals from WGs to engage in the co-production of solutions that combine scientific, local, and indigenous knowledge, engage diverse stakeholders, and distribute benefits equitably across and within communities. WGs can be composed of research institutes, universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector, and community members with proven experience and track records in synthesizing existing knowledge about problems and delivering evidence-based, scalable solutions. WGs are expected to provide multiple perspectives and a wide range of expertise, synthesizing existing and emerging knowledge to generate unique and creative solutions to real WIO problems. The formation of WGs is vital to establishing new partnerships and strengthening existing relationships between researchers and stakeholders critical in piloting and taking up proposed solutions. WGs must effectively synthesize information from different sources, fill knowledge gaps, facilitate the development of better solutions, and consider different values, perspectives, and realities within the group. When appropriate, data from previous WIOMSA research grants and other regional projects should be utilized.

SCALABLE will fund WGs of 5-15 people from diverse organizations to gather for collaborative sessions over 12-24 months. Working groups should include natural scientists, social scientists, and stakeholders to address an agreed issue/topic. Gender equality and inclusion are also central to SCALABLE’s strategy. Between sessions, members of the WGs should collaborate remotely, work with long-term implementation partners, identify emerging opportunities for tangible, lasting change, develop and test tools and products, and publish their work. Selected by the SCALABLE Programme Committee, WGs will receive up to US$150,000 in funds to implement their project.

How to apply

SCALABLE invites all eligible applicants to submit Concept Notes via online application portal online portal-proposal central. Concept notes that are recommended for full proposals will receive feedback from the WIOMSA Programme Committee on what aspects of their ideas may be the best fit for the SCALABLE scope and what aspects of their ideas may need to be strengthened or revised to make your proposal competitive. Only concept notes submitted through the online portal-proposal central will receive feedback. The deadline for Concept Note submissions is  9th February 2024.

Full call for concept notes

Applicants are invited to read the full call for concept notes here: SCALABLE Call for Proposals.

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