Researching the Seychelles marine environment: perspectives on Blue Economy, fisheries, and coral reefs

The Blue Economy Research Institute, University of Seychelles (BERI) and Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) are pleased to invite you to a virtual seminar on Researching the Seychelles marine environment: perspectives on Blue Economy, fisheries, and coral reefs. The seminar will take place on Thursday, 10 March 2022 (09.30-11.00 GMT/ 13:30-15:00 SCT via Zoom

Over the years, a number of scientists, researchers and PhD students have teamed up with Seychelles partners to conduct research around the Seychelles islands.  This seminar will present some of the most recent findings of nine scientists, who’ve worked on a broad range of topics related to the Blue Economy, fisheries, and corals reefs around Seychelles. It will be an event where we understand knowledge acquired through research, discuss best practice and explore future opportunities. Each presenter will give a 5-minute speed talk on their research, followed by a chaired discussion at the end of each thematic session.

Join the Seminar.

Download the list of speakers and topics.

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