Call for applications: Training on Building Capacities of Local Practitioners on the Assessment of Ecosystem Dynamics in the Emerging Coastal Towns in the WIO Region

Photo: Mark Ziembick

Photo: © Mark Ziembicki

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), in collaboration with South Eastern Kenya University, Machakos University, Kenyatta University, The University of Nairobi, Centre for Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Algarve and ERACOMA, are organizing a regional training workshop on “Building Capacities of Local Practitioners for the Assessment of the Dynamics of Ecosystems in the Emerging Coastal Towns in the WIO Region that will be held in the coast region of Kenya from 15th to 20th November 2021. The training course is sponsored by the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), through its Cities and Coasts Programme.

This training aims to equip coastal conservation practitioners, urban planners, natural resource managers, landscape architects and decision makers with knowledge, skills and tools for identifying, classifying, and quantifying ecosystem services (ES) in their jurisdiction, especially in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region. The training will be organized as a hybrid workshop with a limited number of participants   attending in-person and selected individuals from the rest of the WIO region participating virtually.

The application deadline is 25th September 2021.  If you would like to be considered for the training, please read and fill the application form and send it  to Judith Okello ( and Margaret Owuor (, with a copy to WIOMSA ( ) and

Download the Call for applications.

Download the Application form.

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