Call for applications: Training course on strengthening the regional capacity for marine litter monitoring in the Western Indian Ocean

The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) in cooperation with WIOMSA, wishes to invite qualified participants to apply for a marine litter monitoring training course. The training will be hosted by KMFRI, on 22 30 November 2021.

The objective of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of harmonized protocols for inland and marine litter survey and assessment in order to standardize data collection and analysis. The specific objectives of the training course are to build capacity on the use of harmonized methods for inland and marine litter surveys for the generation of uniform planning data; to promote the use of harmonized methods for inland and marine litter monitoring methods on coastal and counties drained by rivers discharging into the Indian Ocean; to promote the use of standardized data analysis tools to ensure comparability of marine and land-based litter data; and to encourage reporting for SDG indicators 11.6.1: Proportion of urban solid waste regularly collected and with adequate final discharge out of total urban solid waste generated, by cities;12.5.1: National recycling rate, tons of material recycled; and 14.1.1: plastic debris density. The training will include both classroom sessions and a series of field visits to conduct marine litter sampling in dumpsites, beaches, estuarine environment, mangroves area and floating litter.

The training targets city planners, local governments NGOs, academicians and policy makers from coastal towns/cities of Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania who are involved in waste management. Applicants should demonstrate technical competence in one of these fields: urban planning, waste management, ocean sciences, marine resource management and environmental science and should have frequent interaction with marine litter and solid waste management.

Applicants should submit their applications by 30th September 2021 to and copied to, and

Download the full Call for Applications.

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