The Stimson Center, in partnership with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, is currently conducting two city climate risk assessments in Mombasa and Dar es Salaam. Using the Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Index (CORVI) methodology, the projects will integrate information and resilience work already underway across the land-seascape, and culminate in innovative new datasets and a risk profile for each city. This information can then be used to prioritize further resilience actions, provide evidence to upscale projects, and access additional climate finance. I have attached a letter with additional information about the project.The Stimson Center is seeking a climate scientist to contribute to the CORVI East Africa project through data collection and analysis. For further details please see the announcement for the consultancy posting.The deadline for applications is February 26, 2021. This is a competitive posting and applicants will be evaluated on their demonstrated technical skills, regional expertise in East Africa, and their ability to translate technical analysis into policy relevant research.