Cities and Coasts Project: Calls for research proposals and proposals to Support the Organization of Training Courses/Workshops

WIOMSA, with funding from the Government of Sweden, is implementing a four-year Cities and Coasts (C&C) Project (2018-2021), whose main objectives are to improve scientific knowledge and to stimulate research directed at underpinning effective and efficient responses by coastal cities to current and foreseeable challenges they face. Support will be given only to high quality, demand-driven, and policy-relevant action research and and support capacity building and the transfer of knowledge and expertise.

WIOMSA, through the C&C Project, is announcing a call for research proposals inviting full proposals for conducting research that generates solutions-oriented knowledge required to address the complex challenges facing coastal cities in the WIO region, improve broader planning of coastal cities as well as identifying opportunities offered by coastal cities for advancing sustainable development.

Further, WIOMSA is also inviting proposals for supporting the organization of training courses/workshops. These proposals should seek to involve different groups including scientists, policy-makers, city planners, NGOs and local government representatives. Proposals should focus on regional priority issues and aim at building the capacity of key stakeholders in coastal cities to address them.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 13 July 2018. Applications should be completed and support documents uploaded at

Questions for clarification on these calls, be sent by email to

For detailed instructions on these grants, download the full announcements for the call for: Cities and Coasts proposals and the guidelines for preparing full proposals.

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