Global Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa – GMES & Africa: Open Call for Proposals

The African Union Commission invites proposals from interested and eligible African institutions for the implementation of the GMES & Africa Support Programme with the following specific objectives:

  • Consolidating, extending and developing applications for the Water and Natural Resources and the Marine & Coastal Areas Services to adequately provide information to policymakers, scientists, businesses and the public on real time basis,
  • Strengthening regional and national capacities to generate and apply EO-based and in-situ information for Water and Natural Resources and the Marine & Coastal Areas Services,
  • Raising public awareness on the critical role of Earth Observation in sustainable development; and
  • Developing a framework for promoting intra-African collaboration and open access to data for Water and Natural Resources and the Marine & Coastal Areas Services. 

The full Guidelines for Applicants, Application form and other supporting documents are available for downloading from

The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday, August, 21  2017 at 17:00 hours, Addis Ababa time (GMT + 3).

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