
To tackle the continued threats faced by marine mammals, the Marine Mammal Twinning, (, within the framework of the EU-funded Ocean Government project (, has developed a toolkit ( to build technical capacities and support MPA managers in understanding the level of protection afforded to marine mammals through their MPA management plans, driving the effective...
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The Western Indian Ocean Certification of Marine Protected Area Professionals (WIO-COMPAS) Programme is pleased to announce the offering of a Level 1 Certification event for MPA Rangers, Officers or Marine Field Operators. The Certification Assessment Event will be held in Kisite Mpunguti MPA, Shimoni, Kenya on  22-25 April 2022 . The deadline for submission of...
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An interdisciplinary, inter-professional and international floating university project named “École bleu outremer, Cap sur l’Océan Indien” A project fully in line with the main objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability Development (2021-2030) The Ifremer, jointly with several partners based in the Indian Ocean: IRD, CNRS, University of La Réunion, TAAF (French...
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On  24th June 2021, a group of 52 representatives from the Western Indian Ocean region participated in the first Adaptive Management Seminar for Marine Protected Areas, hosted by the Nairobi Convention and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) and WIOMSA. This first Seminar focused on the benefits of addressing marine areas protection...
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This has been an exciting quarter for WIOMSA and  partners on many fronts. Here is what we are sharing in the June 2021 WIOMSA Newsbrief! We celebrated World Oceans Day with the launch of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Management Network. We participated in the Virtual Early Career Ocean Professionals Day and the...
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The Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA have partnered to launch the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Managers Network (WIOMPAN) on World Oceans Day. WIOMPAN is a platform where MPA managers, community members, and scientists can collaborate, share cross-project knowledge and learning, and exchange information, experiences and resources to support management of MPAs in the WIO region. To officially launch the...
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WIOMSA and the Nairobi Convention cordially invite you to the launch of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Management Network (WIOMPAN).  WIOMPAN is a platform where MPA managers, community members, and scientists can collaborate, share cross-project knowledge and learning, and exchange information, experiences and resources to support management of MPAs in the WIO region. ...
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