Travel grants for the UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024 in Barcelona

Are you an early career ocean professional (ECOP) working in Belgium or from the Global South? Then this call is your opportunity to personally attend the Ocean Decade conference 2024 in Barcelona and to co-deliver the science we need, for the ocean we want. The National Decade Committee for Belgium  (NDC-BE) is pleased to announce an open call for travel grants to support  ECOPs attend the conference. The grants are funded by the NDC- BE and organised by the NDC-BE secretariat in collaboration with the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). The application deadline is 26 January 2024.

Three years after the launch of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), this UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024 aims to bring together the community and partners to celebrate achievements and set joint priorities for the future.

Within the central goal of ‘delivering the science we need for the ocean we want’ – the founding principle of the Ocean Decade – the programme and satellite events aim to showcase solution-oriented, transformative and innovative scientific solutions and initiate a dialogue across the interface between science, policy and society. It will provide a global forum for governments, leaders, maritime sectors, philanthropy, universities, the private sector, NGOs and more to meet and catalyse new partnerships and collaborations.

How to apply
Applicants can apply for the grant by sending following documents to

  •  Application form
  • CV of the ECOP
  • Letter of consent of the direct supervisor (free format)
  • A copy of  the applicant’s master’s degree or proof of  doctoral grant.

Subject of the e-mail: ‘Motivation letter – travel grant – UN Ocean Decade conference 2024’. Applications shall be submitted by  26 January 2024

Check the eligibility criteria and other requirements here.

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