WIOJMS Special Issue: Ocean and coastal governance in the Western Indian Ocean

A special issue of the Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science (WIOJMS) has been published!  WIOJMS Special Issue 1 2022 on Ocean and coastal governance in the Western Indian Ocean has been guest edited by Louis Celliers and Shannon Hampton and is dedicated to the outputs of the West Indian Ocean Governance and Exchange Network (WIOGEN) Ocean Governance conference held in October 2021.

The special issue provides an opportunity to both experienced and early career researchers to contribute to awareness of ocean governance in the WIO. The WIOGEN project enabled early career researchers to submit to the special issue of this journal and hosted a number of writing workshops to support the writing and publication process. This is the first special issue of the journal to focus on governance challenges and the research that supports ocean governance. Like the WIOGEN conference, which was not a traditional academic conference, this special issue contains contributions from a variety of sectors and disciplines.

Download the journal.



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