Winter school: Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Ecosystems


ZMT/IOI Winter School on “Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Ecosystems” from Feb 16-21, 2020 in Bremen/Germany.

The interdisciplinary Winter School hosted by ZMT (Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research) and the IOI (International Ocean Institute) will train around 25 international scholars to develop solutions for a sustainable governance of the Ocean.

Highlights include:

  • 5 day intensive academic program providing a scientific basis from different disciplines (social and natural sciences) to enable you engaging in marine governance. They have invited leading experts from different disciplines and distinguished institutions to work with you.
  • Use the unique opportunity to talk to experienced practitioners from the GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH), WWF and the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) who will give you insights from their daily work.
  • Train your transferable skills and learn more about outreach activities to communicate with society and policy makers.
  • Meet other international young, visionary scholars and build a network to become future leaders in ocean governance.
  • Experience a week at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen. ZMT is Germany-wide the only and unique research institute for the study of tropical marine ecosystems and their services to human societies.
  • Enjoy and explore the city of Bremen during wintertime.

Who can apply

They invite applications from German, European and other international early-career scientists (PhD-candidates, postdocs) from various disciplines in the field of marine research (biology, chemistry, geology, geography, sociology, political science). Representatives of governmental and non-governmental agencies with a relevant scientific background can also apply. Applications from scholars from tropical countries from the Atlantic coastlines are especially welcomed.

Deadline for Application: October 27, 2019

More information about the program, the link to the application form and contact information are available on their website:

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