Journeys to the Sea: The Ocean I did not know

By Tsiamidy Onjatina Tolojanahary, Madagascar

I’m Tsiamidy, and I’m from the highlands of Madagascar, a place far away from the ocean. It might sound strange if I say I didn’t know much about the ocean, as an island person. But that was me, kind of sad, right? But the truth is, I did not have any connection with the ocean during my childhood.

Fast forward to when I turned 18 and stepped into university—that’s when I saw the ocean for the first time. But hold on, it wasn’t this magical experience. Because, the ocean I first saw was dirty, and the beach was a bit of a mess. It left me feeling disappointed, so I sort of pushed the ocean out of my mind.

But life had a surprise waiting for me. In 2021, I got my first job related to the ocean, coming from nowhere. Confused at first? Totally… asking myself, “What am I doing here?” But I decided to give it a shot, and then, everything changed. I started learning about the ocean—its perks, the cool things you can do, and how tricky its world can be. I had no clue the ocean had so much to offer!

Later on, I started figuring out that the ocean is amazing, but it’s also dealing with a bunch of problems. One of the biggest issues is pollution. The ocean is filled with plastic waste, oil spills, and other contaminants that harm marine life. Overfishing is another critical problem, leading to the depletion of fish populations. Climate change also poses a massive threat, causing ocean acidification and coral bleaching, which devastates marine ecosystems. These problems are complex and require urgent attention to preserve the ocean’s health.

Hanging out by the ocean is my jam now, and I’m hungry to discover even more. And you know what? I want people like me, who didn’t grow up near the sea, to know that it’s incredible and has a load of awesome stuff for us.

The ocean offers so many amazing experiences, from the tranquility of watching a sunset over the waves to the thrill of exploring coral reefs teeming with life. It provides opportunities for recreational and economical activities like swimming, surfing, and sailing. The ocean also supports a diverse range of marine life, each species playing a crucial role in the ecosystem. Discovering the beauty of underwater habitats and the vibrant communities that thrive there is truly awe-inspiring.

My relationship with the ocean has changed completely. I went from not caring about it to wanting to protect it with all my heart. And now, I’m on a mission to share my story so that people far from the ocean can catch the same vibes I do. If you think the ocean is too distant, take a moment to learn about its beauty and the gifts it gives us before deciding what you think.

The ocean brings us happiness, food, and peace. It’s special, and we’ve got to take care of it. Start with simple moves, like cleaning up beaches with your friends. Let’s keep the ocean healthy together!

A Malagasy fisherman. © Andriatsilavo David, WWF Madagascar

* “Journeys to the Sea” is a new series of inspiring stories that highlight the personal connections of marine professionals with the ocean. As a follow up to World Oceans Day on June 8th, WIOMSA is excited to launch a three-month-long celebration dedicated to the ocean. The series will feature 34 unique stories from across the Western Indian Ocean region. These stories will share firsthand accounts of ocean-related experiences, reflections, and narratives from participants who have been part of the Sida-funded International Training Programme on marine spatial planning, “Planning for a Sustainable Blue Future in the Western Indian Ocean”

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