Call for applications: Early Career Publication Honor

Applications are due July 31, 2024, by 12:00 AM (midnight) Eastern Time (GMT-4). Honorees will be contacted in early September 2024.

Two Q+A webinars about the L&O Letters Early Career Publication Honor will be held online; please register using the form below to receive the link for the Zoom call on

  • 12 June at 2:00 PM GMT (Portuguese/Spanish)
  • 12 June at 3:30 PM GMT (English).

We strongly encourage interested applicants to attend; please come prepared with questions. The recorded session will be available on ASLO’s YouTube channel soon after, and you can email your questions to the RCE fellows at

Honor details: Waivers are available for papers published by 2026. Honorees will receive:

  • Waiver of the Author Publication Cost (APC) of an article accepted for publication in L&O Letters (currently USD $3,360).
  • Support from an RCE Fellow with a pre-submission friendly review of your manuscript and guidance in navigating the submission process.
  • Publicity of accepted papers via ASLO social media.
  • Note: The honor does not guarantee publication in L&O Letters. All manuscripts will be subject to full peer review and editorial consideration by L&O Letters.

Eligibility: This Honor targets ECRs who completed their highest degree after July 2014 (exemptions can be granted for career interruptions). Proposed manuscripts must fit the scope of L&O Letters and have the high scientific merit of papers published in ASLO journals. Eligible applicants will:

  • not have published via previous L&O Letters Early Career Publication Honor calls (you may apply again if your previous application was unsuccessful or if you were unable to use a waiver offered to your application).
  • be lead (or joint lead with another ECR) author of the proposed manuscript.
  • be the corresponding author for the manuscript. If necessary, the applicant’s supervisor may also be a corresponding author, but the applicant must be the one who is in contact with L&O Letters during the formal peer review process (please email if there are barriers to meeting this requirement).
  • demonstrate financial need.
  • meet the journal’s data-publication requirement in their submission, as outlined here.
  • demonstrate progress toward manuscript preparation and a feasible plan for meeting the manuscript submission deadline of June 1, 2025.

Additional criteria: The primary criteria for selecting honorees are demonstrated need and scientific quality of the research. Additional weight will be given to submissions:

  • of studies that were carried out while the applicant was studying or working in a country from the Global South, a region where scientific research is under-funded – even if the applicant is currently affiliated in the Global North. A list of countries considered as Global South is available at: UN’s World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021 (Statistical annex, Table C – Developing Economies by region, page 126). Applicants from Ukraine will also be given priority.
  • from members of underrepresented groups, defined broadly to include race, gender, disability, first-generation, or other identities that are not typically represented in STEM.

How to apply: The selection committee will receive applications via a Google Form. If access to Google is not available, you may submit your application to as a single PDF file that includes applicant details and responses to manuscript-related and financial need questions (access the application form here).

Follow @aslo_org and @rcef_aslo on X for updates about the Honor. Please send any questions about the application process or the Honor to Replies of general interest will be posted to the RCEF Twitter account.

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