Immersive training: Nature-based tourism in the Blue Economy

WIOMSA, the Ministry of Tourism, Zanzibar and the African Leadership University’s School of Wildlife Conservation are offering a regional capacity building workshop/training for practitioners who engage in Nature-based tourism (NBT) in the blue economy in the western Indian ocean (WIO) region.

Nature-based tourism contributes significantly to sustainable development. It can contribute to poverty reduction, economic growth, biodiversity conservation, and critical global accords like the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. NBT’s unique ability to provide blue jobs and growth while protecting wildlife, marine, and coastal ecosystems make it an appealing option for WIO countries looking to develop their blue economies.


The aim of this regional capacity building workshop/training is to bring together 20-25 attendees from the WIO to present, discuss and provide guidance for nature-based tourism in the blue economy. The regional capacity building workshop/training will focus on achieving the following primary objectives:

  1. Bring together relevant stakeholders in the WIO to present on, and discuss, different aspects of nature-based tourism within the blue economy
  2. Produce a regional report to raise awareness and increase knowledge on the topic of nature-based tourism in the blue economy
  3. Develop a roadmap to unlock nature-based tourism in the blue economy in the WIO, as well as a plan for consistent, comparable data collection on the topic
  4. Develop a broader plan for engagement around the blue economy and understanding and communicating its value

Who can attend

Stakeholders working in the WIO, specifically in the area of nature-based tourism from government, community organisations, NGOs and the private sector.

Workshop location and dates

The training programme will be held in Zanzibar from May 13 to 17, 2024, and will include four full days, including a field outing.



The deadline for applications is 10th April 2024. Download the full call for applications for the application criteria. To apply, click on the following link or scan the QR code below.

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