IUCN GLOBAL Red List of Mangrove Ecosystems: draft assessments of the mangrove provinces of the Western Indian Ocean region and Agulhas

The IUCN is conducting a GLOBAL Red List of Mangrove Ecosystems (RLE) whereby they are making draft assessments for each of the 40 mangrove provinces delineated in the world. Our mangrove project ‘Mangroves International Coordination Action – MICA’ is supporting the IUCN for the mangrove provinces for the Western Indian Ocean region and Agulhas (South-Africa); more specifically with the regional validation and consultation of the assessments by mangrove experts.

The ICUN is calling on mangrove experts of the region to give expert-based feedback and input, particularly on the ecosystem description section on these draft assessments  (threats, pathways to degradation, regional biotic and abiotic characteristics of the ecosystem).

The RLE assessment is based on the 4 criteria:

  • Criteria A (Change in distribution)
  • Criteria B (Restricted distribution)
  • Criteria C (Degradation of abiotic environment)
  • Criteria D (Decline in biotic processes).

Contributors will become  co-authors of the IUCN final assessment of the region. The lead author for the WIO region is Judith Okello. Send your feedback to the following: Diana Di Nitto: Diana.Di.Nitto@vub.be, Judith Okello: judith_okello2003@yahoo.com and Ena Suàrez: ena.suarez@iucn.org.

DOCUMENTS: the draft assessments for both regions can be accessed here  in the folder ‘IUCN RLE_GLOBAL draft assessments WIO / Agulhas’ including some supporting IUCN documents.

The Deadline for submission of feedback is  24 September 2023.

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