WIOMSA at the 2022 UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon

The second UN Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, starts next week from 27 June to 1 July. To mobilize action, the Conference will seek to propel much-needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action. With over 5,000 ocean advocates anticipated to attend, including world leaders, entrepreneurs, youth, influencers, and scientists, the Conference will provide new impetus for advancing Sustainable Development Goal 14 Sustainable Development Goal 14.  Concrete initiatives to develop ocean resilience and more sustainable communities will be adopted, supported by a new wave of commitments to restore the ocean’s health. A political declaration will be adopted at the end of the conference. Down load the draft declaration  here.

WIOMSA at the Ocean Conference

WIOMSA, in collaboration with its partners, is fully prepared for this critical event on the international ocean agenda. WIOMSA has co-organised three events during the week and has been invited to several others where the Western Indian Ocean region’s voice will be heard and the role of marine science in achieving global ocean protection goals will be highlighted.  An outline of  the key events that WIOMSA is co-hosting or organising is provided below.

International Climate Financing for Ocean Adaptation and Resilience

27th June 2022, 0800-1000 HRS, Olissippo Oriente Hotel, 2 blocks from the Altice Arena on Av. João II 32, 1900-083m Lisbon, Portugal

This working breakfast will bring together international and regional ocean acidification (OA) science and policy coordinating bodies, national government representatives, and major international climate finance regimes with charges to support countries in developing and implementing climate adaptation and resilience strategies that advance goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. Outcomes include further understanding of eligibility requirements of climate financing for ocean acidification adaptation and community resiliency strategies.  WIOMSA will take part in a round table discussion on “From OA Knowledge to Action in Practice: Brief case studies of monitoring and research projects that have informed local adaptation and resilience priorities and strategies”. Link to event programme


The Invisible Global Crisis: Exceeding the Limits of the Pollution Planetary Boundary

27th June 2022, 13:30 – 15:00 GMT+1, FIL – Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre, Auditorium I

The University of Gothenburg, IPEN, the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment and WIOMSA are co-hosting this  event where researchers will be  calling for ambitious action capping new production of plastics. Policy makers, international media actors and public interest stakeholders will join the conversation where focus will be on how to scale up the action based on science, collective action, policy and management. Link to the event programme.


The Great Blue Wall – Accelerating Ocean Conservation and Regenerative Economic Development in the Western Indian Ocean

29th June, 1600-1800 HRS, EUROSTAR Universal Hotel, Avenida do D. João II (13)

Great Blue Wall (GBW) and the Western Indian Ocean Resilience and Prosperity Initiative (WIO RPI) are organising this event, in partnership with several organisations. The GBW is a WIO-led roadmap to achieve a nature positive world by 2030. Its goal is to dramatically accelerate and upscale inclusive ocean conservation actions while enhancing socio- ecological resilience and the development of a regenerative blue economy. The event will also showcase the WIO RPI, its goal  for all WIO governments to co-create a new regional ocean and five year strategic plan and provide the critical policy strategic foundations and architecture for the success of the GBW. WIOMSA will be delivering a presentation titled “WIOMSA, A regional perspective: the WIO MPA Outlook Report: From recommendations to action”. Download the agenda and  register.


Useful links to the Ocean Conference

During the Ocean Conference, WIOMSA will provide daily highlights of our participation in this pivotal event on our social media platforms! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and  Facebook.