Southern African Marine Science Symposium

Have you submitted your abstract for the Southern African Marine Science Symposium (SAMSS 2022)? The  deadline for submissions is 15 February 2022!

SAMSS Vision 2022: SAMSS Symposium

20 – 24 June 2022

Marine Science is at a crossroads. Recent technological advances are driving new fields of biological endeavour with the aim of addressing current environmental and societal needs. Funding models are promoting transdisciplinary research and multi-institutional programmes that not only tackle ongoing global change issues, but have tangible societal benefits as well. At the same time, the skills and lessons of the past remain pertinent. Studies of biodiversity and evolved traits inform of species resilience and probable trajectories in an age of global change, emphasizing the lasting truth of Dobzhansky’s famous dictum – that nothing in biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution. Ancient coastlines and climate records can shed light on past conditions and changing biological assemblages. Studies in basic marine ecology, chemistry, oceanography and organismal biology build our understanding of the important drivers of marine systems and inform our decisions and actions. And while funding for pure or basic science is under pressure, it may be the foundation for the next scientific revolution, and helps us retain the sense of wonder that ensures continued engagement with the marine world. This conference therefore aims to explore the links, continuity and changes in marine science of the past and present, with emphasis on how the science being done today will determine the ‘future pasts’ of our marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them. The conference is formally hosted by UKZN and the KZN Sharks Board, on behalf of SANCOR (South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research).

  Important Dates 

Workshops / Courses (applications to host a workshop to be sent to: :
Download application form here
15 February 2022
Abstract submission opens: 10 November 2021
Abstract submission due: 15 February 2022
Acceptance notification: To be confirmed
Registration opens: To be confirmed
Early Bird registrations close: To be confirmed
Workshops / Courses: 20 – 24 June 2022
Conference: 20 – 24 June 2022

Visit the conference website to  learn more about the themes and submit your abstract!

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