Call for proposals to support the organization of training courses and writing workshops

WIOMSA, through its Marine and Coastal Science for Management (MASMA) Programme is pleased to announce a call for proposals to support the organization of training courses and writing workshops.

WIOMSA and its partners have been at the forefront of creating and pioneering innovative capacity development programs that improve individual professional capability and thereby organizational management performance. Support for training courses and workshops is seen as a critical mechanism for increasing scientific and management capacity.  Writing workshops have  become a common feature of most of the projects supported by WIOMSA. They provide opportunities for brainstorming on key research findings, as well as for capacity building for emerging scientists in terms of approaches to data analysis, information synthesis, access to data, and the best methods for disseminating information and results.

Suggested areas of focus

Submitted proposals should seek to involve different groups including scientists, policy-makers, and practitioners. Proposals should focus on regional priority issues that are in alignment with the theme of the MASMA Programme, “Generating the scientific and policy-relevant knowledge for achieving SDG 14 and facilitating the implementation of the Paris Agreement in the WIO Region”, with special emphasis given to the following areas :

  •  Methods in Marine Science
  • Modeling techniques for studying global climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, etc.
  • Environmental problem analysis and decision-making
  • Theory of change (small- and large-scale pilot testing); setting up demonstration projects; and influencing, or contributing to, changes in regulatory frameworks at different levels
  • Writing workshops that transform data to knowledge where participants  bring their own data to synthesize information from multi-disciplinary projects, as well as information from relevant projects supported by other partners. Such workshops would result in publications in peer-reviewed journals, books, guidelines as well as in policy briefs
  • Implementing published training tools/manuals/methodologies developed from previously funded training and workshops.
  • Blue Economy, marine spatial planning and sustainability
  • Fish stock assessment for data-poor fisheries that aim to assist countries in the WIO region to make decisions and measures to improve sustainable management and resilience of fish stocks
  • Proposals focusing on less established areas in the WIO such as marine biotechnology.

Application deadline and method of submission

Proposals should be submitted by 5th March 2022.  The MASMA Programme Committee will review the submitted proposals within a period of one month and applicants will be informed of the Committee’s decisions immediately thereafter. Applications should be completed and support documents uploaded at Only those applications submitted via this system will be processed.

Download the  Call for Proposals for more details on the grants and eligibility criteria.

For further information on the call, please contact the Executive Secretary: 

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