12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium: 2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), the Sustainable Seas Trust and the Nairobi Convention are pleased to make the second announcement and call for abstracts for the Twelfth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium. The Symposium will be held as a hybrid virtual/ in-person Symposium at the Boardwalk Convention Centre in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa on 10-15 October 2022.

 The Symposium Theme

The theme of the 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium – A New Decade of Western Indian Ocean Science– is inspired by the current global and regional goals including the UN Sustainable Development Goals , the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the Decade of Ocean Restoration, as well as regional goals such as the  Nairobi Convention ‘s  COP 10 decisions and the most recent advances in the ocean and climate science. The 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium aims to mobilize the WIO marine and coastal community behind the ideas of sustainable development and serves to focus the research and technological development in ocean science on existentially important issues of protection and sustainable use of the ocean.

 The call for abstracts

Abstracts are invited on any topic related to the coastal and marine environment of the WIO region focusing on the 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium objectives, theme and sub-themes; as outlined in the  Guidelines for abstract submission. Abstracts must be received by WIOMSA by no later than 22nd April 2022. Abstracts must be submitted online here: 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium Abstracts.

 Call for mini symposia proposals

The organizers invite submission of proposals to convene ‘Mini-Symposia’ within the general scope of the Symposium. Mini-symposia should focus on presenting and discussing issues of regional importance to come up with syntheses on the current status of knowledge, furthering research and policy recommendations, and/or introducing novel perspectives and approaches.  Mini-Symposia proposals should be submitted to secretary@wiomsa.org by 22nd April 2022.

Call for special sessions and workshops

14th October 2021 has been set aside for special sessions convened by projects/programmes and organisations to discuss topical issues that are of global and regional importance. Interested parties are requested to submit their proposals via email to secretary@wiomsa.orgby 30th June 2022. Proposals should not exceed two pages and should contain a brief background; session objectives and expected outputs; targeted audience, and a tentative session programme.

Download the  Announcement and call for abstracts

Download the Guidelines for abstract submission

All the details and important information  on the WIOMSA Symposium are available here :  https://symposium.wiomsa.org/.



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