The latest issue is out: Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science

The latest issue of the Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science (WIOJMS) is now out. The articles in the latest issue of the WIO Journal of Marine Science have Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), which is a common feature in most of the Journals. DOIs are attached to journal articles, datasets, video, audio, theses, dissertations, and technical reports. American Psychological Association (APA) Style explains DOI as a digital fingerprint, ‘Each article receives a unique one at birth, and it can be used to identify the article throughout its lifespan, no mW

Volume 17, Issue 2 (2018) of the WIO Journal of Marine Science contains the following 9 articles:

  1. Mangrove cover change detection in the Rufiji Delta in Tanzania. Elinasi Monga, Mwita M. Mangora, Joseph S. Mayunga
  2. Growth rates of Eucheuma denticulatum and Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta; Gigartinales) cultured using modified off-bottom and floating raft techniques on the Kenyan coast. Alex G. Kimathi, Joseph G. Wakibia, Moses K. Gichua
  3. The influence of physical-chemical variables on the spatial and seasonal variation of Chlorophyll-a in coastal waters of Unguja, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Nyamisi Peter, Masumbuko Semba, Charles Lugomela, Margareth S. Kyewalyanga
  4. Integrated seaweed – sea cucumber farming in Tanzania. Andreas Kunzmann, Marisol Beltran-Gutierrez, Godfrey Fabiani, Mary Namukose, Flower E. Msuya
  5. Indicators of stock status for large-pelagic fish based on length composition from driftnet fisheries in Zanzibar. Tobias K. Mildenberger, Omar H. Omar, Ciarán McLaverty, Narriman Jiddawi, Matthias Wolff
  6. Previously unlisted scleractinian species recorded from the Great Reef of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. Gildas G. Todinanahary, Mandimbelaza E. Refoty, Lucas Terrana, Thierry Lavitra, Igor Eeckhaut
  7. Participatory assessment of priority fishery profiles in an overfished urban inshore seascape in Kenya. Johnstone O. Omukoto, Horace Owiti, Victor A. Mwakha, Cosmas N. Munga, Andrew W. Wamukota
  8. Satellite-derived bathymetry: A case study of Mombasa Port Channel and its approaches, Kenya. Amon Kimeli, Pascal Thoya, Noah Ngisiang’e, Harrison Ong’anda, Charles Magori
  9. Sediment macro- and meiobenthic fauna distribution along the Kenyan continental shelf. Hashim S. Mohamed, Agnes Muthumbi, John Githaiga, Julius Okondo


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