Training Course in Coral and Sponge Taxonomy: Call for applications

The Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with the Biodiversity Programme of the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) are organizing a Training Course in Coral and Sponge Taxonomy that will be held in Zanzibar, Tanzania from 5-11 August 2018.

The training aims at strengthening capacities of members of the WIO national coral reef monitoring teams in sponges and hard coral taxonomy, hence contributing more to marine biodiversity monitoring and management.

Applications for the training course are invited from marine biologists from the Western Indian Ocean National Coral Reef Monitoring teams, Universities, research institutions and National Marine Protected Areas managers with coral reef monitoring programs.

If you interested to apply, please apply by filling in the course application form and send it together with your CV to the Director, Institute of Marine Sciences, <>, copy to IOC Biodiversity Programme management unit <>. Deadline for application is 30 June 2018.

For more details, read the full announcement.

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