SOLSTICE 2-week Training Course in Remote Sensing and GIS: Call for applications

The SOLSTICE Training Course in Remote Sensing and GIS will take place at IMS, Zanzibar 17-28 September 2018. The first week of the course consists of lectures and hands-on computing tutorials. The second week will be devoted to ‘mini-projects’ proposed by the course participants, related to their on-going research activities.

Mini-projects are single, focused research questions, where satellite data and/or GIS can contribute to the answer. Participants will submit their ideas as part of the course application, and refine this in collaboration with course organisers and trainers before the start of the course.

The course is open to participants from other research organisations in the WIO.

Please apply by filling in the course application form and return it to Val Byfield <> with a copy of your CV by 12 June 2018.

Download the full announcement.


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