A publication on Case Studies on Climate Change and African Coastal Fisheries is out!

The publication on “Case studies on climate change and African coastal fisheries: a vulnerability analysis and recommendations for adaptation options,” is out. The publication was edited by Jim Anderson and Timothy Andrew and produced by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)–FAO Fish Programme (NFFP) Component C (FMM/GLO/003/MUL) and the FAO’s EAF-Nansen Project. The objective of this publication is to investigate the nature of the impacts of climate change on four case study fisheries in Africa, to gauge the vulnerability of their corresponding social-ecological systems and to identify current and potential coping mechanisms/strategies and biophysical and social characteristics/attributes that increase resilience to these impacts. The case studies were selected according to a set of criteria defined by the NFFP and the EAF-Nansen Project.

WIOMSA coordinated four specialist authors who were asked to produce case studies on small-scale fisheries in different parts of Africa.

The publication is available online.

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