13th WIOMSA Symposium: First Announcement and Call for Abstracts

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, in collaboration with the Nairobi Convention and UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Sub Commission for Africa & the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) Secretariat are pleased to announce the Thirteenth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, which will be held in Mombasa, Kenya from September 28 to October 3, 2025.

Symposium Objectives

The Symposium is the foremost scientific gathering focused on the coastal and marine environment of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). It will feature enlightening presentations on current research and innovations, fostering collaboration among practitioners, academics, researchers, and students. The specific objectives include:

  • Showcasing contemporary knowledge in disciplines relevant to the Symposium theme (detailed in the General Guidelines for Abstract Submission).
  • Facilitating discussions and exchanges of information on coastal and marine science challenges in the WIO region.
  • Encouraging collaboration among social and natural scientists to enhance multi- and trans-disciplinary research for the sustainable management of coastal and marine ecosystems.
  • Identifying research gaps and priority areas for improving the management of the WIO coastal and marine environments.
    Contributions from all relevant scientific disciplines are welcome at this multidisciplinary Symposium.

Symposium Theme

One Ocean, One Future: Connecting People, Policy, and Science for a Thriving Western Indian Ocean

This theme highlights the unique opportunities and challenges facing the WIO as it seeks sustainable ocean management. It envisions an interconnected blue economy that harmonizes ecological health with socio-economic development through collaborative efforts among scientists, policymakers, and communities. The theme is built upon three dynamic pillars and their associated sub-themes, drawing inspiration from the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 and the Ocean Decade Africa Roadmap. These pillars serve as the foundation for a sustainable ocean future, designed to drive meaningful action, ignite innovation, and promote collaboration across the Western Indian Ocean region and beyond.

  1. Science as the Foundation for Decision-Making

The WIO’s marine ecosystems are among the most diverse globally but are increasingly threatened by climate change, overexploitation, and habitat degradation. This pillar highlights the importance of research and innovation in understanding, protecting, and managing these valuable ecosystems. Access the full announcement to learn more about the sub-themes under this pillar.

2. Policy as a Catalyst for Regional Collaboration

With multiple countries in the WIO region sharing interconnected marine resources, regional cooperation is essential for sustainable ocean governance. Policies must be guided by scientific evidence and practical solutions to address challenges like Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, climate resilience, and sustainable fisheries management. Access the full announcement to learn more about the sub-themes under this pillar.

3. Communities as Stewards of Sustainability
Coastal communities in the WIO region rely on marine resources for their livelihoods, cultural identity, and climate resilience. Effective marine conservation depends on empowering these communities to actively participate as stewards of the ocean. Access the full announcement to learn more about the sub-themes under this pillar.

Call for abstracts and Mini Symposia

We invite the submission of abstracts that address topics related to the coastal and marine environment of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). Abstracts should focus on the overarching themes of Science, Policy, and Communities as outlined above, with emphasis on their corresponding sub-themes.We also invite proposals to convene Mini-Symposia aligned with the Symposium’s scope. These sessions should emphasize regional discussions that advance knowledge synthesis, research, and policy recommendations. The Abstract submission portal will open on January 15, 2025.  The deadline for submission of abstracts and mini-symposia proposals is 28th March 2024.  Access the full announcement to learn more about abstract submission.

A second call will be issued in January 2025 with detailed information on the conference theme, website, registration fees, and additional relevant details. For queries regarding the Symposium, please contact secretary@wiomsa.org.

Learn more about the 13th WIOMSA Symposium here: https://symposium.wiomsa.org/

Download the first announcement and call for abstracts.

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