- An identified session convenor and have at least tentatively lined up five or more additional speakers showcasing a breadth of work, with scope for other speakers to join from the general call for contributors.
- Have discussed the session with two co-convenors that are willing to be involved, and who preferably come from different organizations, countries and continents or islands; or at least represent a variety of viewpoints or areas of strength. Different viewpoints stimulate discussion!
- Think about how to generate novel ideas and discussion. Ask yourself, have I been in a session of this kind previously, and if so, consider a fresh approach.
- Have a topic of contemporary interest and with an edge. i.e. rather than “Invasive species”, how about: “The interface between prevention and control of invasive marine and freshwater taxa”, or rather than “Threatened species research and management”, something like: “How do we connect conservation research with management actions?”
- Format of special session to be determined by session convenor. Consider formats other than just formal talks.
- The Organizing Committee cannot guarantee that all proposed sessions will run, as this will depend on the level of interest, relevance to conference, and availability of timetable slots.
- Proposal examples can be referenced the special sessions from the previous IPFC 11 at https://www.ipfc11-asfb.ac.nz/specialsessions/
The proposal must be submitted from July 20, 2024, until the deadline September 20, 2024, to 2025.asiipfc12@gmail.com