In preparation for the policy work to support countries with the inclusion of blue carbon ecosystems, Pew, Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) together with partners including the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA, organised a workshop and reception on Sunday 3rd September in Nairobi, ahead of the Africa Climate Summit and Africa Climate Week taking place in Nairobi this week. together
The title of the event was “Blue Carbon” Mangrove and Seagrass Ecosystems – Supporting Evidence Based Targets for Enhanced NDC Ambition Across the Western Indian Ocean” and it brought together policy makers, managers, and scientists working across mangrove and seagrass ecosystems.
The event, opened by the Seychelles Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Mr Flavien Joubert, provided opportunities for sharing key learnings on the developing and implementing science based NDC targets for seagrass and mangrove ecosystems. The event included a technical partners workshop that involved a moderated roundtable discussion intended to allow countries and partners to identify key needs in developing strategies for science based NDC commitments through field work, data sharing, and national policy development. The workshop also included a demonstration of the approach used to develop Seychelles’ first field-verified seagrass map to the wider Western Indian Ocean countries. The workshop was followed by a networking reception.
The SeyCCAT CEO and WIOMSA President, Marie May Jeremie and Dr Arthur Tuda, WIOMSA Executive Director, were in attendance at the event.