The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM), located in Hamburg, Germany, is  offering  several PhD positions to outstanding students interested in interdisciplinary climate research.

The PhD  is a joint program by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and the Universität Hamburg (UHH) whose  doctoral candidates contribute to the understanding of the Earth system through the application, evaluation and development of a spectrum of Earth system models at different levels of complexity and at various spatial and temporal scales. Emphasizing the physical system, the School encompasses the broader field of Earth sciences, including economics and social sciences.

The IMPRS-ESM strives to attract a diversity of talented men and women from all nationalities to research in the Earth system sciences. The PhD program is open to applicants holding a Master’s degree (with written thesis) in physics, geophysical sciences (incl. meteorology and oceanography), ecology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, economics, or political science. Also students currently still working on their MSc thesis are encouraged to apply. Doctoral candidates receive financial support of roughly 1,850 Euros/month for a period of 3 years. There are no tuition fees but the Universität Hamburg charges the regular semester fee. Funding will be available starting March 2024. Please apply online through
our website. The selection procedure includes an interview.

Applications are open until 15th September 2023. More details on the call can be found here: Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology: IMPRS-ESM (

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