My Beloved Ocean Children’s Environmental Drawing Contest

The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, in partnership with Human in love, Korea, is pleased to announce the 3rd edition of “My Beloved Ocean” children’s drawing contest.

I am protecting the oceans and the Earth with my painting!

Our oceans are being destroyed due to various pollution and climate crises! Please express your story in drawing to make more people empathize with how precious the oceans are and take action for ocean conservation and protecting the Earth environment. Your masterpiece could be showcased both online and offline  spreading awareness about environmental pollution and the urgent need for conservation. So grab your pencils and paintbrushes, and let’s make a splash for our beloved planet! Read more about the competition and how to enter here.


  • Eligibility: Children aged 4 through 12 (born between 2011 and 2019)
  • Application period: July 03 ~ July 30, 2023
  • Paper size: A square piece of drawing paper (250mm x 250mm or bigger)
  • Drawing materials: No restrictions (Note Digital artwork and drawing with text (such as posters) are not accepted.)
  • How to apply: Online (Visit the contest website:
  • Winner announcement: August 16, 2023 (to be announced on the contest website)




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