Regional Training Workshop on Shoreline Change Management for Coastal Municipalities Officials

The School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology, University of Dar es Salaam, in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Sciences and the National Environment Management Council (NEMC),  is organizing a “Regional Training Workshop on Shoreline Change Management for Coastal Municipalities Officials”. The workshop is sponsored by WIOMSA, through its Cities and Coasts Project, and will be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in March 2023.

The workshop is designed to build capacity of middle and senior technical staff from coastal towns and cities from countries of the Western Indian Ocean region on causes of shoreline change induced by human activities; shoreline change management options; the role of nature-based solutions in protecting coastal areas against shoreline change and the use of low-costs monitoring techniques in monitoring shoreline change.  The workshop targets middle and senior position technical staff from coastal towns and cities; particularly those involved in aspects of shoreline management such as planning and issuing of permits for residential or commercial premises, structures to protect eroding shorelines and infrastructure in coastal areas.

Interested applicants are requested to submit their resumés, supporting letters from a supervisor/head of department and a motivational letter (1 page) indicating clearly how they would apply the acquired knowledge to their work.  The documents should be sent via email to Dr. Siajali Pamba ( / ) copied to  WIOMSA ( on or before the 03 February 2023.

Download the full call for applications.

Photo credit: Pemba Afro Divers