Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 21 (1) is out! The issue contains the following 10 articles :
Magreth P. Kasuga, Modest D. Varisanga, Tim R.B. Davenport, Narriman Jiddawi, Gill T. Braulik1-14
Zakaria Mhande, Matobola J. Mihale, Harieth Hellar-Kihampa15-33
Melckzedeck K. Osore, Farida A. Hassan, George N. Morara35-49
Kombo H. Kai, Julius Francis, Yohanna W. Shaghude51-63
Jannes Landschoff, Charles L. Griffiths, Lara J. Atkinson, Kerry J. Sink, Thomas P. Botha65-76
Joel Amisi, Cosmas Munga, Nina Wambiji, Edward Kimani77-89
Fausta G. Salema, Nsajigwa E. Mbije, Eliezer B. Mwakalapa, Alfan A. Rija91-101
Annie H. Ong’ayo, Farida A. Hassan103-112
Sheban M. Hinzano, Francis A. Okalo, Morine M. Ngarari, Mary A. Opiyo, Erick O. Ogello, Alexander M. Fulanda, Dan O. Odiwour, Betty Nyonje113-124
Chantal Conand, Michel Claereboudt, Chamari Dissayanake, Ameer Ebrahim, Stella Fernando, Rodney Godvinden, Thierry Lavitra, Marc Léopold, Twalibu K. Mmbaga, Thierry Mulochau, Shafiya Naaem, Stanley Shea, Devarajen Vaitilingon, Saleh Yahya, Kim Friedman125-148
Download the full issue : WIOJMS Volume 21 (1)