After 9 years of implementation, the Blue Solutions Initiative is coming to an end on 31st December 2021. Jointly with the global ocean community, the Blue Solutions Team will celebrate successes and reflect on learnings from almost a decade of practical international cooperation in the marine realm, during a virtual ceremony on 30th November 2021 from 2 pm-5 pm CET ( 4 pm-7 pm East African Time).
Blue Solutions is a global cooperation project funded by the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). After 3 project cycles of 3 years each, the financial support has come to an end. While the programme is coming to an end, its iconic features such as the Thematic Community on PANORAMA and its capacity development resources will live on.
Join the virtual ceremony which will include great stories, wonderful pictures, live music, inspiring dialogues. The “Blue Capacity Development Hub” will be launched during the ceremony!
The WIO region will be represented by Dr James Kairo ( Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute) who is part of the PANORAMA thematic community and Dr Arthur Tuda, Executive Secretary, WIOMSA who is one of four panellists at a round table discussion during the event.