Coastal Cities and the Blue Economy: Your views on opportunities and challenges

WIOMSA in collaboration with UN-Habitat, has contracted Arup to develop a working document on ‘Coastal Cities of the Western Indian Ocean and the Blue Economy’ and a ‘Roadmap for the Development of the Blue Economy’ in Coastal Cities. This Roadmap aims to provide strategic guidance and recommendations to help cities in current and future planning activities with respect to this topic. As part of this assignment, Arup will undertake primary and secondary research on the blue economy and coastal cities over the coming months.

In order to help Arup to understand the challenges and opportunities Western Indian Ocean cities with respect to the blue economy, we kindly ask that you complete the following brief survey. Survey results will help us to select cities for primary case study exploration.

The questionnaire can be filled online by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it in your browser:

Please respond by 10 January 2020.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and valuable contribution.

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