Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Over the past 18 months, the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) has implemented a project that seeks to support ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in Southern Africa. The objective of the project is to enhance the climate resilience of the Southern African region by strengthening the role of marine and coastal EbA in national climate responses. Focusing on research, dialogue, policy alignment and capacity building activities, this project seeks to address the challenges of EbA policy uptake and implementation by supporting peer learning among four focus countries, namely South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and the Seychelles. Please visit their project page for further context and more information.

The key publications outputs of this project are a synthesis report and a policy briefing. These reports contain a high-level overview of marine and coastal EbA globally and, through case studies and best practice examples, explore specific marine and coastal EbA components such as the role of innovative financing models, enabling partnerships, and gender perspectives and in the region. Both reports outline specific recommendations to improve the contribution of marine and coastal ecosystems within climate and blue economy responses.

In addition, four country reviews were produced that explore marine and coastal EbA in South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and the Seychelles. These are due to be published within the coming months.

A video was also produced showcasing the messages from key project stakeholders in the region.

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