Reef Rescuers: Coral Gardening as an MPA Management Tool

Time Change: May 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM HST, May 11 at 8:00 AM SCT (UTC +4:00)

In 2010, the NGO Nature Seychelles launched the USAID/UNDP-GEF- funded Reef Rescuers: Restoring Reefs in the Face of Climate Change Project. This large-scale coral restoration project seeks to repair coral bleaching damage in selected sites around Praslin and Cousin islands, Republic of Seychelles. Dr. Phanor H Montoya-Maya, former Technical & Scientific Officer of the Reef Rescuers Project, discusses the effectiveness of this work on restoring coral reef ecosystem services, and building reef resilience and resistance to bleaching. This webinar highlights the need to consider large-scale coral reef restoration as a cost-effective tool to include in the MPA manager’s toolbox. Please register

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