Call for Expression of Interest to host the Tenth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium in 2017

The Tenth Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Scientific Symposium will be held in the second half of 2017, preferably in October or November 2017.

WIOMSA traditionally organizes the Symposiums in close collaboration with national institutions of the region. In all the previous Symposiums, the collaborating institutions as the host of the Symposium have played a key role in the organization of these events ranging from coordinating all local arrangements related to the Symposium, providing secretariat staff, to fund raising to cover some of the costs of the event.

Organization of the Symposium is carried out completely by the host organization, which must be willing to commit the amount of time and level of staff required to plan an event of this magnitude. Applicants may use a Professional Conference Organizer if they so desire to assist with conference logistics. The host for the Symposium is responsible for all local arrangements, including venue selection, local transport, catering arrangements, promotion and marketing, social events, registration, fundraising within the country and assisting delegates with visa or travel questions.

WIOMSA Symposia, which in recent past have been attended by about 500 participants from within and outside the region, generate a wide array of benefits to the host country ranging from generating money from economic activities such as hotel accommodation and conference venue, local transport to raising visibility for tourism opportunities and cultural richness of the country. The host country could use the Symposium as a platform to show case marine and coastal science and bring together policy makers, the private sector and research scientists to discuss issues of national importance.

Download the full announcement.

Expressions of Interest should be submitted to the WIOMSA Executive Secretary ( by 31st March 2016.

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